
Electronic Magazine of Analytical Philosophy.   ISSN 1135-1349

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Notes to potential contributors
· Last updating: 2005-01-17 ·
  1. 01.-- All submitted manuscripts will be refereed by either members of the Board of Advisers or other specialists; as far as possible, each manuscript will be refereed by philosophers not unsympathetic to the paper's philosophical outlook or orientation.
  2. 02.-- No manuscript may be submitted if it is being considered for publication by another journal or if it has already been published elsewhere. (In this connection circulating a pre-print among faculty-colleagues, delivering a paper to an academic conference or displaying it at the author's personal web-page is not taken to be a publication.)
  3. 03.-- Accepted papers remain the intellectual property of their authors with only these two restrictions:
    1. (i) No part of the paper may be printed or displayed elsewhere, or incorporated into a publication of any sort, unless SORITES is therein clearly and explicitly mentioned as the primary source; and
    2. (ii) the authors agree to be bound by the other terms and provisions contained in SORITES' Copyright Notice, esp. to grant readers the entitlements warranted to them by that Notice, and to abide by the electronic publisher's claims and commitments set forth therein.
  4. 04.-- All submitted papers must be written in English. The author's local variety of English (including the spelling) will be respected. All editorial material will be written in BBC English, which is the journal's «official» dialect.
  5. 05.-- There is no settled length limit for papers.
  6. 06.-- We welcome submissions of in-depth articles as well as discussion notes on any philosophical subject provided analytical standards of clarity and reasoning are respected. SORITES wants to be broad-minded and liberal as regards those standards, since no school holds the privilege of analytical rigour; but there is a prose -- regarded as philosophical in other quarters -- which clashes with our methodological ideal of proof and elucidation. Authors fond of such a kind of prose are kindly invited to submit their manuscripts to other journals.
  7. 07.-- We will only accept papers dealing mainly with philosophical issues, as against those exploring other fields even when they touch on philosophical implications thereof. Again our criterion on this boundary is lax, but it exists.
  8. 08.-- Ours is a magazine granting a broad freedom of style to its contributors. Many ways of listing bibliographical items and referring to them seem to us acceptable. What alone we demand is clarity and consistency. However common rules of style in English-language philosophical journals must be observed.

    How to submit?

  9. 09.-- We will be thankful to all contributors who submit their papers in the form of WordPerfect 5.1 files. (Notice that with WP 5.1 you can write not only almost all diacritically marked characters of any language which uses the Latin alphabet, but moreover all of Greek and virtually all symbols of mathematical logic and set theory.)
  10. 10.-- In case a contributor can neither use WP 5.1 nor have their manuscript suitably converted to WP 5.1 format, they can send us their file in its original format but we do not promise success in converting those files from other formats to our working format, namely WordPerfect 5.1.
  11. 11.-- Another format which is acceptable is LaTeX, which will in due course become our official standard. Submissions in TeX or LaTeX format are welcome.
  12. 12.-- Whenever a paper is submitted, the author must send us a covering letter as an e-mail message addressed to one of our editorial inboxes, pointing out their intention to submit the manuscript to SORITES and the title of the manuscript, as well as optionally their affiliation, address and email inbox.
  13. 13.-- Each submitted manuscript must include a short abstract.
  14. 14.-- Authors are advised to clearly type their name within the paper, since our chosen procedure is not blind-refereeing. The name has to be followed by any affiliation or address -- including email inbox -- the author wants us to include into the published version.
  15. 15.-- In principle no second version of a submitted manuscript is acceptable unless it results from a reshaping advised by a referee. Authors who want to make corrections are invited instead to send us a list clearly pointing out the desired amendments. Exceptions to this rule can be granted on a case-by-case basis.
  16. 16.-- Sending the manuscript as an email attachment is often the most convenient way, but you also can submit your manuscript in an electronic form mailing a PC-diskette to the Editor (Prof. Lorenzo Peña, CSIC, Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales - Philosophy (3d Floor) Albasanz 26, E - 28037 Madrid, Spain); diskettes will not be returned, and regular mail correspondence will be kept to a minimum.
  17. 17.-- Ours is not a logic journal, but of course one of the glories of analytical philosophy is its rigour, which it partly owes to auxiliary use of symbolic notation. Authors submitting their papers in formats different from WordPerfect 5.1 or LaTeX are warned that symbols can be easily corrupted by any conversion, the result being an unusable document if the manuscript is heavily laden with formulae and special notations. Authors are advised to attach to the manuscript a PDF (or PostScript or PJL or TIFF) print-file listing all their symbols and the exact places thereof within the paper.
  18. 18.-- Please, authors, eschew graphical illustrations, figures, tables and the like unless absolutely essential. Otherwise, results can be quite disappointing.
  19. 19.-- Authors of accepted papers will be given the opportunity to review and correct a preprint (a PDF pre-release) of the composed issue of SORITES wherein their manuscript will appear. Proposed corrections will then be submitted either as a print-file or by FAX.

    Authors can try to convert their documents to LaTeX by using the software package ABIWORD, freely available for a variety of operative systems.

    Updated: January 17 2005

    maintained by:
    Lorenzo Peña
    Editor of SORITES